Curriculum Vitae
Email ben kent at live dot co dot uk
Academic Experience
February 2024 – Present: Postdoc at IMATI-CNR, Pavia, Italy
- Development of novel sparse grid polynomial approximation algorithms in the context of uncertainty quantification.
September 2019 – November 2023: PhD in Numerical Analysis at The University of Manchester, UK
- Supervised by Professor Professor Catherine Powell and Professor David Silvester.
- Industry sponsored ICASE project with IBM Research UK.
- Thesis: Efficient Approximation of Parametric Parabolic Partial Differential Equations. [PDF]
- Investigated adaptive-in-time sparse-grid stochastic collocation approximation of a parametric time-dependent advection–diffusion problem.
- Techniques considered include finite element method, adaptive timestepping (local error control) and sparse grid polynomial approximation.
- Hierarchical and residual error estimation strategies developed in the context of novel adaptive approximation algorithms.
- Completed courses in Uncertainty Quantification, Functional Analysis, Approximation Theory and Finite Element Analysis, Adaptive Finite Element Methods.
- Other topics studied include UQ techniques (Monte Carlo, stochastic collocation, stochastic Galerkin methods), a priori and a posteriori error estimation for FEM approximations of elliptic problems and Bayesian inverse problems.
September 2012 – July 2015: Mathematics and Physics BSc, First-Class Honours at The University of Warwick, UK
- Prize for the best exam results in my cohort.
September 2010 – July 2012: The College of Richard Collyer, Horsham, UK
- A Levels: Mathematics A*, Further Mathematics A*, Physics A*,
Chemistry A*, Electronics A*.
GCSE: 10 A* (inc Maths and English) + 1 A (French)
- Seelinger, L., Reinarz, A., Lykkegaard, M.B., Akers, R., Alghamdi, A.M.A., Aristoff, D., Bangerth, W., Bénézech, J., Diez, M., Frey, K., Jakeman, J.D., Jørgensen, J.S., Kim, K.-T., Kent, B.M., Martinelli, M., Parno, M., Pellegrini, R., Petra, N., Riis, N.A.B., Rosenfeld, K., Serani, A., Tamellini, L., Villa, U., Dodwell, T.J., Scheichl, R.: Democratizing Uncertainty Quantification. Journal of Computational Physics. 113542 (2024).
- Kent, B.M., Powell, C.E., Silvester, D.J., Zimoń, M.J.: Efficient Adaptive Stochastic Collocation Strategies for Advection–Diffusion Problems with Uncertain Inputs. Journal of Scientific Computing. 96, 64 (2023).
- In preparation:
Error Estimation through Auxiliary Local Problems for a Stochastic Collocation Approximation of Advection–Diffusion Problems with Uncertain Inputs.
Conference Organisation
- Co-organiser: Manchester Mathematics Research Student Conference online conference, 2020.
- Co-organiser: Mathematics of Data Science online student conference, 2020.
Conference Talks
- Workshop on Frontiers of Uncertainty Quantification, Septmber 2024. Adaptive Stochastic Collocation for Parametric Parabolic PDEs.
- The 29th Biennial Numerical Analysis Conference 2023, June 2023. Adaptive in Time Approximation of Parametric Parabolic PDEs.
- Manchester SIAM-IMA Student Chapter Conference 2023, April 2023. Adaptive in Time Approximation of Parametric Parabolic PDEs (Best Student Talk Prize Winner). [PDF]
- SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, February 2023. Efficient Adaptive Stochastic Collocation Strategies for Advection-Diffusion Problems with Uncertain Inputs.
- SIAM UKIE National Student Chapter Conference, June 2022. Error Estimation for Stochastic Collocation Approximation of Parametric Advection–Diffusion Problems.
- IBM Research UK (invited seminar), April 2022. Efficient Approximation of Parametric Parabolic PDEs.
- SIAM Conference on Uncertainty Quantification, April 2022. A Posteriori Error Estimation for Stochastic Collocation Applied to Parametric Parabolic PDEs.
- 26th Annual Meeting of SIAM UKIE Section, January 2022. A Posteriori Error Estimation for Stochastic Collocation Applied to Parametric Parabolic PDEs.
Industrial Experience
September 2017 – August 2019: Algorithm Developer at Thales, Stockport, UK
- Analysis of noisy time series sensor data and array signal processing algorithms.
- Analysis of customer experiment datasets and reporting of computational results.
- Collaboration with systems engineers to transform customer requirements to algorithm specifications
- Collaboration with software engineers to implement algorithm specifications in products.
September 2015 – September 2017: Research Engineer at Thales, Reading, UK
- Two-year graduate scheme with training in both technical and core skills.
- Four project placements: cryptographic key exchange algorithms, radar signal processing algorithms, filtering and tracking algorithms, array signal processing and data analysis.
July 2014 – August 2014: Rules and Procedures Software Internship, Lloyd’s Register, Southampton, UK
- Upgrading FEM software from FORTRAN to C++.
Programming Experience
- MATLAB: 8 years as primary language (industrial and academic).
- Python: FEM approximation via FEniCS and PETSC4py. Interfacing with MATLAB and Julia. Some additional minor industrial projects.
- C / C++: Development of cryptographic key-exchange algorithms, undergraduate course, development of FEM software.
- Julia: Implementation of novel PDE approximation algorithms. Interfacing with Python.
- Experience using UNIX systems.
- Version control (git, SVN).
- Proficient with LaTeX.
- Teaching assistant for Matrix Analysis MATH36001, semester one, 2021.
- Teaching assistant for Mathematical Workshop MATH10001, semester one, 2021.
- Teaching assistant for Complex Analysis MATH20142, semester two, 2020.