Adaptive SC-FEM Approximation
Efficient Adaptive Stochastic Collocation Strategies for Advection–Diffusion Problems with Uncertain Inputs is now published
Our paper on Efficient Adaptive Stochastic Collocation Strategies for Advection–Diffusion Problems with Uncertain Inputs is now available in the Springer Journal of Scientific Computing. Kent, B.M., Powell, C.E., Silvester, D.J.,...
Code for Adaptive SC-FEM approximation of advection--diffusion released
The code corresponding to the preprint Efficient Adaptive Stochastic Collocation Strategies for Advection-Diffusion Problems with Uncertain Inputs is now released on GitHub. Required MATLAB packages To use the package ensure...
Preprint available for accepted paper
Our paper titled Efficient Adaptive Stochastic Collocation Strategies for Advection-Diffusion Problems with Uncertain Inputs is available as a preprint. This is to appear in the Springer Journal of Scientific Computing....